Core Updates:
We’re partnering with K16 Solutions to bring GPTZero to schools including servicing AI detection on Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, D2L, and Schoology.
We’ve built out a personal dashboard for individual users at
We’re fine-tuning our model for education, including an updated GPTZero model trained and tested with student written essays.
GPTZero: AI Detection for Education
In the past, the GPTZero beta released Jan 1st was trained only from news articles. Many copy-cat AI detectors released afterwards, leverage the same principles and variables we outlined (ie. perplexity and burstiness), with the same pitfalls. The glaring problem? NONE of these models (including GPTZero) were specifically trained for student writing.
The past month, our awesome research team (currently six ML researchers from Princeton, Yale, McGill, and the University of Toronto) have worked extensively to address this problem, and train an AI detection model for student articles, and from unique datasets both collected and from our partner organizations.1
On Friday, our ML team pushed out an update to the GPTZero model
We’re proud to say the current GPTZero model is now ‘fine-tuned’ directly to work for student writing, and are excited to continue improving our model, as we receive several large scale datasets from ed-tech partners next week!
Personalized Dashboard
GPTZero individuals users are now able to make an account on our website to access the dashboard. New dashboard features will be rolling out soon such as checking history, usage metrics, user feedback on results, data exports, batch file upload, fine-tuned models for specific subject areas, and much more!
We are very excited to keep rolling out new features as we tailor this product for educators worldwide.
GPTZero in the classroom:
A frank piece of feedback we’ve heard from now hundreds of educators: could GPTZero just be an extra button we click in our LMS systems — whether Moodle, Canvas, Blackboard, D2L or Schoology?
We’re beyond excited to announce that this is now possible. This month, we’re signed partnerships with multiple ed-tech platform and organizations to do so. If your organization is interested in integrating GPTZero into your learning management system, please let us know!
Lastly, I’ll also be speaking with UNESCO on the future of education and GPTZero Feb 22. If you’re free, please feel free to tune in here.
Thank you so much for following our journey.
From testing with a custom test dataset of student articles, both human written, and AI written that our team made directly, the GPTZero beta model achieved an 88% accuracy for human text, and 72% accuracy for AI text. On the same testing dataset, the fine-tuned educational model had a 99% accuracy classifying human text as human, and 85% classifying AI text, a significant improvement.
One recommendation I would make, allow teachers to attach Google Docs to be checked (rather than downloading them and then attaching them). Would it also be possible to attach an entire Google Drive folder to check? Our school uses Google Classroom which creates a folder for assignments. If we could attach the entire folder to be checked, it would make our life much easier.
I'm Interested to see what happens next and how AI changes the world.